(VIP) What We're Hearing - Coaching Edition
What a day. If you're reading this, you're a VIP.
We thank you for your support
It's the last week of the season and I'm sad. Let's check my predictions anyway
This season has been so strange. A roller coaster of emotions that looked awesome after 2 weeks...then stumbled and
Pizza, Lasagna, Ribs, Fried Chicken.
It's bye week which means two things:
1. For the team - #DDSS. Just rehab whatever is nagging,
Please Stop Limiting Coach Suggestions to Former Players
It's not rocket science to figure out that when a coordinator is no longer calling plays and working
This Newsletter Is Guaranteed to Cause Back Pain
Good morning ladies and gentlemen.
Look at your calendar. It's game day. The Cougars are going to play
Level Setting
Frustration can only come when we have unmet expectations. It's why in pretty much any business discussion there
A Third of the Season Check In
The Cougars at 3-1 which is mildly depressing not that we got smoked in Eugene but that the season is
Give 'Em Weed, Brigham
I watched a lot of football on Saturday (which is not uncommon, obviously) but there were two games in particular
Jaren and Jesus
We all know what happened on Saturday night, and if you are a dedicated enough Cougar fan to be reading
Refs Don't Make Up Rules
Last week I was up in Yellowstone and visiting my sister's family. A last minute decision after a