Dear Tom, It’s Time for Portal Z.

I have thought about this for a long time. Over a decade. I mentioned it to Tom in passing once even while tailgating.
Tom Holmoe is already the greatest AD in school history. There aren’t enough words to type all of the nuance and difficulty he dealt with navigating Independence successfully for over a decade. But there’s one thing left on his list that he needs to announce before the end of this year.
It’s time for Portal Z.
I don’t recall the game I was at in the Marriott Center when looking around I noticed something - Portal A is next to Portal Y.
With a letter to spare in the alphabet, why do we have a portal U? We don’t need it.
Pretty much everything is digital now, you can update all the maps in an afternoon. Few clicks of the button on the ticketing website and boom, done.
LES is trickier, because there IS a section ZZ hiding in the southwest corner of the stadium. But let’s make like Excel and turn that guy into portal AB. Or ZZZ.
I don’t know what the answer there is, but I do know that whatever the cost, it is worth it.
Do the right thing Tom. Sure you hired our winningest basketball coach, navigated us to the Big 12, hired the only football coach to have a winning record against power conference opponents, navigated NIL to the tune of signing the #1 basketball player in the country, hired a national championship winning women’s track coach and promoted Ed Eyestone to be the head coach of the men‘s track program who also have one a title.
Those are all great, but let’s do something that can make a difference at BYU forever.