A new GEHB Era

It's a new era of Give 'Em Hell, Brigham, ladies and gentlemen. We have officially upgraded ourselves and moved to GEHB v2.0. Robby McCombs is officially one of us.

I've worked with Robby for more than a decade now. If you go back in time to the origin story of Lawless Republic, you'll find a heck of a BYU crew. The early days of LR were led by Mitch Harper. He recruited Bean Mace, Robby, me, and a host of others to the site. In hindsight, that was a heck of a crew.
After Lawless Republic, we all went different directions. Mitch and I went to Rivals and ultimately to 247Sports. He parlayed that into a full time gig at KSLSports. Robby went to Vanquish the Foe and took over the SBNation side of things. I hooked up with Garrett and we started GEHB during the pandemic. But all along the way, we've remained friends.
So even though we didn't officially work with Robby, it always felt like we worked with Robby.
Yesterday that changed though. Robby made it official.
Announcement: I am officially joining @rakoto10 & @GJMcClintock at Give ‘Em Hell Brigham. I’ll still do my thing at Vanquish the Foe.
— Robby McCombs (@rtmccombs) May 17, 2024
Garrett & Jeff have built an incredible community the last few years at GEHB. I am thrilled to join that.
The discord server is full of BYU…
Robby is THE BYU basketball guy. That's not just me being his friend and trying to blow hot air up his skirt. There is legitimately nobody in the industry who understands the comings and goings of BYU basketball better than Robert M.F. McCombs.
He will continue to bring the hoops heat to GEHB. We'll rope him into the occasional podcast and maybe a newsletter here and there, but it's all about Discord. He shares thoughts, nuggets, and information that he here from the inner bowels of the BYU basketball program.
If you still haven't joined Discord, do so HERE!
Robby's addition is a new addition that marks a new era of GEHB, but he's not the only change. With Robby coming on board, there will be a slight pivot in how we deliver things to you.
We've always been a newsletter that is supported by a podcast and a Discord community. Going forward, we're a Discord community that is supported by a podcast and newsletter.
It's a subtle change that really won't feel different than things have felt for the last few months, but it's time that we make it official. The best of what GEHB has to offer is on Discord. There will still be newsletters and podcasts, but the cadence of each of those channel will fluctuate by month and by season.
But Discord? It's always popping.
What the heck is Discord? It's an online message forum where there is always a conversation. Dicsord exists for thousands of different groups of people, but for us, it's a community of BYU fans who are always talking about BYU, BYU related things, life, and whatever else comes to mind.
It's not for everyone. It's not a message board with threaded conversations and structure. It's more like a tailgate party with an open invitation to anyone who walks by. People are popping in and out throughout the day. The conversation never stops. Nobody is keeping track or score. Think of The Sandlot. There was no score, just baseball. GEHB's Discord is the BYU online fan community Sandlot.
It's like a tailgate that never ends. There are busy times and there are slower times, but there is always something going on.
The best part about it? The community.
Friendships have been formed in this community. We all joined to talk BYU sports (and to get and share inside information, more on that later), but we all stick around because it's truly become a place of support and genuine care about one another.
It's the most unique BYU group I've ever been apart of. And it's something I am truly proud of, even if I deserve none of the credit for what it's turned into.
So if you're reading this and haven't joined Discord yet, do it! You won't regret it. If you do, you simply uninstall an app and move on with your life. No harm, no foul.
But I'm confident that you'll fall in love with the GEHB community. I'm even more confident you'll fall in love with the GEHB community now that Robby is sharing what he knows as well.
It's a new era of GEHB, and it's better than the last one. That progression as we move into the future won't stop. The 2024 BYU sports season is set to the best BYU sports season. Don't miss out on the ride!